- To determine the value of a given resistor look for the gold or
silver tolorance band and rotate the resistor as in the photo above.(Tolerance
band to the right).
- Look at the 1st color band and determine its color. This maybe
difficult on small or oddly colored resistors. Now look at the chart
and match the "1st & 2nd color band" color to the "Digit it represents".
Write this number down.
- Now look at the 2nd color band and match that color to the same
chart. Write this number next to the 1st Digit.
- The Last color band is the number you will multiply the result
by. Match the 3rd color band with the chart under multiplier. This
is the number you will mulitple the other 2 numbers by. Write it
next to the other 2 numbers with a multiplication sign before it.
Example : 2 2 x 1,000. To pull it all together now, simply multiply
the first 2 numbers (1st number in the tens column and 2nd in the
ones column) by the Multiplier.
In the photograph
to the right, the mark indicating the negative lead of the
capacitor can be seen.
You need to pay attention to the polarity indication so as not
to make a mistake when you assemble the circuit. |