A scroll list is a scrollable list of items organized in a veritical fashion. The user can scroll through the list of items using the mouse and select individual items in the list of available choices.
Widget MakeScrollList(char **item_list, int width, int height, ListCB func, void *data);
This function makes a scrollable list of items from which a user can select individual items. The list contains strings of text, pointed to by the table, item_list. The list, item_list, MUST contain a NULL entry as its last element (this is not optional). The area given to display the list is width and height pixels large. If the entire list will not fit, scrollbars appear that will let the user easily scroll through the list.
The callback function, func, should expect to be called with a Widget argument, the string of text the user clicked on, the string's index in your table, and whatever user data pointer you gave at widget creation time. The callback should be declared as follows:
void func(Widget w, char *str, int index, void *data) { }
The list of strings passed in to MakeScrollList() must not be free()'d or otherwise deallocated for the entire lifetime of the widget (or until the list of strings is changed with ChangeScrollList() ).
SEE ALSO: GetCurrentListItem() , ChangeScrollList() , SetCurrentListItem() , SetFgColor() , SetBgColor() , SetWidgetFont()
int GetCurrentListItem(Widget w);
This function returns the index of the currently selected item in the list widget `w'. The index value returned is an index into the table displayed by the list (specified when the widget was created or with ChangeScrollList() ).
If no item is selected in the list widget, this routine will return a -1.
SEE ALSO: ChangeScrollList() , SetCurrentListItem() , MakeScrollList()
void ChangeScrollList(Widget w, char **new_list);
This function changes the list of strings displayed by the list widget `w'. The new list of items is taken from the argument `new_list'. After this function is called, the old list can be free()'d. Of course you can not free the new_list until the application is done or you change the list again.
You must remember to make the last entry of the new_list be NULL. This is very important.
SEE ALSO: GetCurrentListItem() , SetCurrentListItem() , MakeScrollList()
void SetCurrentListItem(Widget w, int list_index);
This function causes the item with index, `list_index', to be highlighted in the list widget `w'. You must make sure that list_index is a valid index into the currently displayed list, results are undefined otherwise.
After calling this function, the item with the index `list_index' is highlighted in the list widget.
SEE ALSO: GetCurrentListItem() , ChangeScrollList() , MakeScrollList()