Mark G. Alford, Washington University Physics Department.
Revised 2019-02-20
For an introduction to the basics of Mathematica, see my
Introduction to Mathematica.
Full documentation is available from The Mathematica website.
For serious projects you will need to create "package" files containing definitions of the functions that perform your calculations. Here are two ways to do it.
<< relaxation_solver.mMathematica searches for this file in the directories (folders) listed in the variable $Path. To make sure Mathematica finds your file, you'll need to include in $Path the directory where the file is located. E.g., if it is in a folder math that is a subdirectory in your home directory,
AppendTo[$Path, FileNameJoin[{$HomeDirectory, "math"}]] << relaxation_solver.m
M$of$I$sphere[radius_,density_]=Module[{r$axial,z}, (* declare r$axial and z as local symbols, internal to the function *) r$axial[z_]=Sqrt[radius^2-z^2]; (* you can define a function within a function *) Integrate[ Pi/2 * density * r$axial[z]^4, {z,-radius,radius}] ]; M$of$I$sphere[R,rho] (* use the function *) (8*Pi*rho*R^5)/15All the symbols that we use temporarily inside the module (r$axial and z in this case) are declared at the start of the module as local variables. This prevents interference with any other entity called z or r$axial. We do not declare radius or density as local because they are arguments to the function we are defining.
"a and b" | a && b | |
"a or b" | a || b | |
"not a" | !a |
:=) because it cannot be evaluated until it is called with an actual list and element as arguments.
contains[list_,element_]:=Module[{i,found}, (* all variables internal to the function are declared as local *) i=1; (* Loop counter *) found=False; (* 'found' is a Boolean variable *) While[i<=Length[list] && ! found, (* Repeat the loop as long as the search has not succeeded and we haven't reached the end of the list *) found= (list[[i]]==element); (* Check for a match: As in C and Python, we useSecond example: counting how many times a given element appears in a list:==for testing the equality of two quantities *) i+=1; (* Increment the loop counter: As in C and Python, i+=1 means i=i+1*) ]; found (* returns a Boolean *) ]; contains[{4,9,2,8,1,-3}, -3] (* Use the function we have just defined *) True
occurrences[list_,element_]:=Module[{i,nfound}, nfound=0; For[i=1, i<=Length[list], i++, (* As in C and Python, i++ means i=i+1 *) If[ list[[i]]==element, nfound+=1]; ]; If[nfound>0, Print["found ",nfound," occurrences"] ,(*else*) Print["found no occurrences"] ]; nfound (* returns number of occurrences *) ];
replace x with 2.5. You apply the rule to an expression using the /. operator, which can be read as
according to the rule.... For example,
2*x /. x->2.5 5.0 x*Sqrt[x]/Cos[x] /. x->2.5 -4.93401It is often convenient to apply a list of rules,
(x/y)*Tanh[x*y] /. {x->0.5, y->1.5}
Many of Mathematica's equation-solving routines return their results
in the form of lists of rules (or lists of lists of rules!).
( Tanh[y/x] /. {y->x^2} ) - Tanh[x]
eqn = ( x^2 - c == 0 ); (* As in C and Python, we useWe see here that the Solve command returns a list of solutions. Each solution is itself a list of substitution rules, taking the form x -> EXPRESSION. To set some variable x$soln equal to one of the solutions you have to apply the corresponding list of substitution rules to the unknown variable that was in the equation (x in this case). For example: x$soln2 = x /. solution$list[[2]] in the example above.==for testing the equality of two quantities *) solution$list = Solve[ eqn, x] {{x -> -Sqrt[c]}, {x -> Sqrt[c]}} (* There are two solutions in the list *) x$soln1 = x /. solution$list[[1]] (* to get the first solution, apply the first set of rules to x *) -Sqrt[c]) x$soln2 = x /. solution$list[[2]] (* to get the second solution, apply the second set of rules to x *) Sqrt[c])
twovar$root[c_] = Module[{x,y,eqn$list,rules$list}, (* all variables internal to the function are declared as local *) eqn$list = { x^2 +y^2 == 2*c, x + y == 0}; rules$list = Solve[ eqn$list, {x,y} ]; (* solve the two equations for x and y *) (* At this point, rules$list is {{x -> -Sqrt[c], y -> Sqrt[c]}, {x -> Sqrt[c], y -> -Sqrt[c]}} *) {x,y} /. rules$list[[2]] ]; twovar$root[w] (* use the function we just defined *) {Sqrt[w], -Sqrt[w]}
list1 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
{4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
The index -1 means the last element of the list, -2 means the next-to-last,
and so on:
list1[[5;;-1]] {5, 6, 7, 8, 9} list1[[-4;;-1]] {6, 7, 8, 9}Lists can be built using the Table function:
list2 = Table[ i, {i,1,9} ]
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
To populate lists with more complicated contents, we can use the fact that
anywhere a value is required, one can put a series of statements,
separated by semicolons, that yield
that value. For example, to make a series of {x,f[x]} pairs:
xy$list = Table[x=i/5.0; y=Tanh[x]; {x,y} , {i,0,10} ]
{{0., 0.}, {0.2, 0.197375}, {0.4, 0.379949}, {0.6, 0.53705},
{0.8, 0.664037}, {1., 0.761594}, {1.2, 0.833655}, {1.4, 0.885352},
{1.6, 0.921669}, {1.8, 0.946806}, {2., 0.964028}
LogPlot[ 1.5^x , {x,0,10} ] (* logarithmic y axis *) LogLinearPlot[ Tanh[x] , {x,0.01,10} ] (* logarithmic x axis *) LogLogPlot[ x^1.67, {x,0.01,10} ] (* logarithmic x and y axis *)Lists
xylist = Table[ x=i/10.0; y=x^2; {x,y}, {i,1,10} ] (* 10 points on the y=x^2 curve *) {{0.1, 0.01}, {0.2, 0.04}, {0.3, 0.09}, {0.4, 0.16}, {0.5, 0.25}, {0.6, 0.36}, {0.7, 0.49}, {0.8, 0.64}, {0.9, 0.81}, {1., 1.}} ListPlot[xylist];Lists can also be plotted on logarithmic axes:
ListLogPlot[xylist]; (* y axis is a log axis *) ListLogLogPlot[xylist]; (* both axes are log *)Controlling line style
(* one plot style for one curve *)
Plot[ Cos[x*Pi/2], {x,-1,1},
![]() |
(* list of plot styles for different curves *)
Plot[ {Cos[x*Pi/2],1-x^2*Pi^2/8}, {x,-1,1}, PlotStyle->{
{Purple, Thickness[0.005]}
} ];
![]() |
Identity), and then set it back to the default ($DisplayFunction) when we combine the plots using Show:
plot1 = Plot[ Cos[x*Pi/2], {x,-1,1}, DisplayFunction->Identity ]; xylist = Table[ x=i/10; y=1-x^2; {x,y}, {i,1,10} ]; plot2 = ListPlot[xylist,PlotStyle->{Red},DisplayFunction->Identity ]; plot$12 = Show[plot1,plot2]; (* combine plot1 and plot2 on a single plot *) Show[plot$12, DisplayFunction->$DisplayFunction]; (* show the combined plot on the screen *)
plot$cos = Plot[ Cos[x],{x, 0, Pi/2}, DisplayFunction->Identity ];
plot$sin = Plot[ Sin[x],{x, Pi/2, Pi}, DisplayFunction->Identity ];
plot$both = Show[ {cos$plot,sin$plot}, PlotRange->{{0,Pi},{-1,1}}, DisplayFunction->$DisplayFunction ]; (* show the combined plot on the screen *)
Export["cos_sin_plot.pdf",plot$both]; (* create PDF file of the combined plots *)
x$rule = FindRoot[ x^3 - Tanh[x] , {x,0,1.0} ] {x -> 0.} x$soln = x /. x$rule 0.As with Solve, the result is returned in the form of a rule, but FindRoot returns at most one solution, which in this case may not be what was intended: there are two roots in the range x=0 to 1, and FindRoot found the trivial one. Specifying a narrower initial search range helps it find the non-trivial solution:
x$rule = FindRoot[ x^3 -Tanh[x], {x,1.0,1.2} ];
x$soln = x /. x$rule
Note that Mathematica will go outside the initial search range
(in this case x=1.0 to 1.2) if necessary.xy$solutions[x$guess_?NumericQ, y$guess_?NumericQ] := Module[{x,y,xy$rule}, (* See the section on Type-Checking for an explanation of why the?NumericQpatterns are needed *) xy$rule = FindRoot[ {x^3-Tanh[y], y - x^2}, { {x,x$guess}, {y,y$guess} } ]; {x,y} /. xy$rule ]; xy$solutions[0.7,0.5] {0.853834, 0.729033}
eqn = ( D[theta[t],{t,2}] == -theta[t] ); (* or we could have written it as theta''[t] == -theta[t] *) bc = {theta[0]==1, theta'[0]==0}; (* boundary conditions *) soln$rules$list = DSolve[ {eqn, bc} , theta[t], t] {{theta[t] -> Cos[t]}} theta$soln[t_] = theta[t] /. soln$rules$list[[1]] (* there is only one solution, but we still have to specify the first solution *) Cos[t]DSolve returns a list (of length 1) containing a list of substitution rules (see Rules... above), one for each unknown function in the differential equation. In this case there is one unknown function theta, so soln$rules$list[[1]] is a list containing one rule that replaces instances of the unknown theta[t] with the solution to the differential equation.
theta$soln''[t] + theta$soln[t]
SHO$solution[tmax_?NumericQ]:= Module[{eqn,bc,theta,t,soln$rules$list}, (* See the section on Type-Checking for an explanation of why theLike DSolve, NDSolve returns a list (of length 1) containing a list of substitution rules, one for each unknown function in the differential equation. In this case soln$rules$list[[1]] is a list containing one rule that replaces instances of the unknown theta with the numerical solution to the differential equation in the form of an?NumericQpatterns are needed *) eqn = ( D[theta[t],{t,2}] == -2*theta[t] ); (* or theta''[t] == -2*theta[t] *) bc = {theta[0]==0.5, theta'[0]==0}; (* boundary conditions *) soln$rules$list = NDSolve[ {eqn, bc} , theta, {t,0,tmax}]; (* We evolve from t=0 to tmax *) (* At this point soln$rules$list is {{theta -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., }}, <>]}} *) theta /. soln$rules$list[[1]] (* NDSolve always gives one solution, but you still have to ask for the first solution *) ]; phi$IF = SHO$solution[3.14]; (* Try using the function we have just defined *) (* phi$IF is now an InterpolatingFunction, which can be evaluated, plotted, etc *) phi$IF[0] 0.5 phi$IF[2.5] -0.461702 Plot[ phi$IF[tau], {tau,0,3.14}];
InterpolatingFunction. To get that Interpolating Function we have to apply that rule to theta. Mathematica treats the Interpolating Function like a numerically defined function, so you can plot it, numerically integrate it, etc.
fn$IF = Interpolation[ Table[ x=i/10.0; y=Sqrt[x]; {x,y}, {i,0,20}], InterpolationOrder->2]; (* Construct our own InterpolatingFunction *) Plot[{ fn$IF[x],Sqrt[x]},{x,0,2}]; (* interpolation works well except near x=0 *) (* Import the module that can look inside the InterpolatingFunction: *) Needs["DifferentialEquations`InterpolatingFunctionAnatomy`"]; (* We can obtain the x limits over which the interpolating function is defined, allowing us to plot it even if we didn't generate it ourselves *) {x$min,x$max} = InterpolatingFunctionDomain[fn$IF][[1]] {0., 2.} Plot[ fn$IF[x], {x,x$min,x$max} ]; (* We can obtain the x-y points between which the function is interpolated *) xvals = InterpolatingFunctionCoordinates[fn$IF][[1]] {0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.} yvals = InterpolatingFunctionValuesOnGrid[fn$IF] {0., 0.316228, 0.447214, 0.547723, 0.632456, 0.707107, 0.774597, 0.83666, 0.894427, 0.948683, 1., 1.04881, 1.09545, 1.14018, 1.18322, 1.22474, 1.26491, 1.30384, 1.34164, 1.3784, 1.41421} (* we can find out what order polynomial is used in the interpolation *) order = InterpolatingFunctionInterpolationOrder[fn$IF][[1]] 2 (* we can switch the x and y data points to make a new InterpolatingFunction that is approximately the inverse of the original function *) fn$inv$IF = Interpolation[ Transpose[ {yvals,xvals} ], InterpolationOrder->2 ]; fn$inv$IF[fn$IF[3.0]] 2.95755 (* The inversion is approximate *)
Unexpected errors can occur if we define a function that will accept symbols as arguments, but the function then uses its arguments in numerically evaluated functions like FindRoot or NIntegrate.
The rule is: if an argument is going to be used in numerics, use a NumericQ pattern to ensure that it is a number not a symbol.
Good: | trans$root$numeric$good[width_?NumericQ] := Module[{x}, (* NumericQ pattern ensures that 'width' is a number *) x /. FindRoot[ x^3 - Tanh[x/width]==0, {x,1} ] (* FindRoot will only work if 'width' is a number *) ]; |
Bad: | trans$root$numeric$bad[width_] := Module[{x}, (* No constraint on what 'width might be: it could be a symbol *) x /. FindRoot[ x^3 - Tanh[x/width]==0, {x,1} ] (* FindRoot will only work if 'width' is a number *) ]; |
This function returns the root of a transcendental equation as a function of a parameter 'width' in the equation. The root cannot be found symbolically, so it has to be done numerically.
The problem with trans$root$numeric$bad is that it will allow itself to be called even when the argument that has been provided is a symbol rather than a number. Errors will occur if we later put this function into a context where Mathematica tries to call this function with a symbol as the argument. For example,
NIntegrate[ trans$root$numeric$bad[a], {a,1/2,1} ]
FindRoot::nlnum: The function value {1. - 1. Tanh[1./a]} is not a list of numbers with dimensions {1} ...
This surprising error arises because Mathematica covertly attempts some symbolic manipulation of the integrand, which fails because the FindRoot that is hidden inside trans$root$numeric$bad fails when given a symbolic expression. To prevent this, we must define the function as shown for trans$root$numeric$good above, with a _?NumericQ pattern that tells it to only accept numbers as arguments.
If we do this, the function can be numerically integrated without error messages:
NIntegrate[ trans$root$numeric$good[a], {a,1/2,1} ]
xydata = {{0., 0.951}, {0.1, 0.846}, {0.2, 0.309}, {0.3, -0.095}, {0.4, -0.694}, {0.5, -1.029}, {0.6, -0.706}, {0.7, -0.448}, {0.8, 0.768}, {0.9, 1.171}, {1., 0.963} };
nlmfit = NonlinearModelFit[ xydata, a + b*Cos[omega*t], {{a,0.2}, {b,1.0}, {omega,5}}, t]; (* we give an initial guess for each parameter *)
NonlinearModelFit can be rather sensitive to the initial guesses for the parameter values. If the fit is successful then
nlmfit is now a FittedModel object, which superficially behaves like the best-fit function to the data, but also contains a lot of information about the fit.
Normal[nlmfit] (* shows the best fit function *) 0.0707912 + 1.01908 Cos[6.44376 t] nlmfit[0.75] (* evaluate the best fit function at t=0.75 *) 0.193222 (* We can make a plot of the data and the fit: *) plot$data=ListPlot[xydata,DisplayFunction->Identity]; plot$fit=Plot[nlmfit[t],{t,0,1},DisplayFunction->Identity]; Show[{plot$fit,plot$data},PlotRange->{-2,2},DisplayFunction->$DisplayFunction];
nlmfit["BestFitParameters"] {a -> 0.0707912, b -> 1.01908, omega -> 6.44376} nlmfit["ParameterErrors"] {0.0621924, 0.0790336, 0.162831} (* a is not significantly different from 0, but b and omega are *) nlmfit["ParameterTable"] Estimate Standard Error t-Statistic P-Value a 0.0707912 0.0621924 1.13826 0.287949 b 1.01908 0.0790336 12.8943 1.23746*^-6 omega 6.44376 0.162831 39.5732 1.82829*^-10 nlmfit["AdjustedRSquared"] 0.940382We can obtain many other diagnostics and properties of the fit, including an ANOVA table. See the Mathematica documentation for full details.