- Piotr Czerski, University of Tübingen (Ph.D. 1984)
Isobar Excitations and Low Energy Spectra of Light Nuclei.
- Manfred Trefz, University of Tübingen (Ph.D. 1985)
Real- und Imaginärteil des Potentials zwischen zwei Kernen
und die realistische Nukleon-Nukleon-Wechselwirkung.
- Willem Hengeveld, Free University Amsterdam (Ph.D. 1986)
Meson-Exchange Forces and Medium Polarization in Finite
- Angels Ramos, University of Barcelona (Ph.D. 1988)
Beyond a Mean Field Description of Nuclear Systems within
Self-Consistent Green Functions Theory.
- Mario Brand, Free University Amsterdam (Ph.D. 1990)
Nuclear Response beyond Mean Field Theory.
- Brian Vonderfecht, Washington University (Ph.D. 1991)
Short-Range Correlations and Superfluidity in the Green's
Function Theory for Nuclear Matter.
- Peter Domitrovich, Washington University (Ph.D. 1991)
Spectral Functions and the Validity of the Shell Model in
Finite Nuclei.
- Gustl Rijsdijk, Free University Amsterdam (Ph.D. 1993)
Influence of Long-Range Correlations on the Spectral
Functions and Response of 48Ca and 90Zr.
- Smain Amari, Washington University (Ph.D. 1994)
Single-Particle Excitations of the Electron Gas.
- Chris Gearhart, Washington University (Ph.D. 1994)
Self-Consistently Dressed Nucleons and Nuclear Wave
- Jie Yuan, Washington University (Ph.D. 1994)
Study of Superfluid Nuclei with Self-Consistent Green's
Function Theory.
- Wouter Geurts, Free University Amsterdam (Ph.D. 1996)
Long- and Short-Range Correlations in Nuclei; a Green's
Function Approach.
- Libby Roth, Washington University (Ph.D. 2000)
Self-consistent Green's Functions in Nuclear Matter.
- Carlo Barbieri, Washington University (Ph.D. 2002)
Self-consistent Green's Function Study of Low-Energy
Correlations in 16O.
- Neil Robertson, Washington University (Ph.D. 2003)
Effects of short-range correlations on Lambda decay in
nuclear matter.
- Jonathan Morris, Washington University (Ph.D. 2011)
Dynamic pion studies in nuclear
- Seth Waldecker, Washington University (Ph.D. 2011)
Improving the dispersive
optical model toward a dispersive self-energy method.
- Hossein Mahzoon,
Washington University (Ph.D. 2015)
Implications of a Fully
Nonlocal Implementation of the Dispersive Optical Model.
- Dong Ding, Washington
University (Ph.D. 2016)
Green's function application
for pairing correlations and the optical potential.
- Mack Atkinson, Washington
University (Ph.D. 2019)
Developing Nucleon
Self-Energies to Generate the Ingredients for the
Description of Nuclear Reactions.