CRIS data analysis calendar

The CRIS data analysis calendar has features useful for, you guessed it, CRIS data analysers, such as the gain and discriminator settings for each month, seconds1996, day1996, and day-of-year for each date, and various events of importance that occur. Generate a copy for yourself below.

Generate a month

Month Year Format

Hopefully, after you generate and display the month, you will be able to print it from your postscript viewer or whatever. You may also have to manually orient it to landscape format, but maybe not.

One-time events

If you know of any ``important'' events that should be listed on the calendar, send me email containing the date(s) of the event. If the CRIS Calendar Event Committee (CCEC) approves of your event, it will be listed in the calendar.

View a copy of the current list of events.

The dcal program

The program that generates these calendars is called dcal. It is a version of a program called pscal by Christopher Phillips (, which I found on the web and then modified to, among other things, read in the list of one-time events from a file.

Download a copy of the dcal software.

Marty Olevitch
Laboratory for Experimental Astrophysics
Physics Dept, Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis, MO 63130 USA