\def\CJKhook{\CJKenc{JIS}}\ifx\CJKpreproc\undefined\def\CJKpreproc{cjk-enc}\RequirePackage[global]{CJK}\AtBeginDocument{\begin{CJK}{}{}\CJKspace}\AtEndDocument{\end{CJK}}\else\CJKhook\fi %-*- coding: japanese-shift-jis -*- % Assumes .emacs contains: % (setq load-path (cons "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp" load-path)) % (load-library "cjk-enc") % (global-set-key "\C-c\C-w" 'write-cjk-file) ; CTRL C CTRL W writes CJK file % (cjk-enc.el should have been put in /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp) \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[overlap, CJK]{ruby} \CJKencfamily{JIS}{song} \renewcommand{\rubysep}{-0.3ex} \begin{document} This is in English. 6566¤179¤236¤207 Æ252Ë220¸236 ¤199¤185¡163 furigana: \ruby{66²208»179}{66¤171¤182¤243} \end{document} ---- % Instructions: % To edit/add Japanese text: % Options -> mule -> select input method -> japanese ( C-x C-\ ) % Then put in the text. For each character: % Type romaji. Type 'K' for katakana, or press SPACE to cycle through kanji. % Hit to complete choice. % Toggle between Japanese and English by typing Control backslash: ( C-\ ) % % To process via LaTeX, save using M-x cjk-write-file, which is CTRL C CTRL W % (binding set in .emacs) % This saves file.cjk (which can be latexed) as well as file.tex.