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Last updated 2025-Jan-1

Physics 524: Quantum Mechanics II, Spring 2025


The course meets on MWF from 10-11am in Crow 206. Class will start on Monday, January 13.

Willem Dickhoff
Office: Compton 371; Email:
Office hours: MWF 11:30-12:30 and appointment
Office: Compton 374 ; Email:
Office hours:Th


Course Textbook: Modern Quantum Mechanics (Cambridge; 3nd edition) (2021) by Sakurai and Napolitano, ISBN-13: 978-1-108-47322-4 (hardcover).

We will cover an appropriate fraction of the material in this book during the Spring Semester. You should have a copy of this book available at all times. Sakurai is user friendly but the books by Gottfried and Weinberg are certainly worth paying attention to as well.
Other useful books: Additional books that you should consult once in a while are:
Gottfried and Yan
Cohen-Tannoudji et al.
Landau & Lifshitz
Dickhoff and Van Neck (for many-fermion and many-boson material)

Course outline

The course is defined by the material discussed in the lectures and reviewed in the problem sets. A preliminary schedule is given below. It includes the covered material in the books, the subject, date of class, and the homework schedule. Most reading assignments are from Sakurai (S) while a few chapters from Dickhoff & Van Neck (DVN) will be made available as well.

Lecture Chapters Sakurai Subject material meeting date Hwk
Review of Angular Momentum 1/13/2025
#2 S3.2 Rotations spin 1/2 with two-component formalism 1/15/2025
#3 S3.3 Euler rotations 1/17/2025 Problem Set 1

MLK day 1/20/2025
#4 S3.11 Vector Operator 1/22/2025
#5 S3.11 Cartesian and Spherical Tensors; Product of Tensors 1/24/2025 Homework due Set 1
Problem Set 2
#6 S3.11 Wigner-Eckart and Projection Theorem 1/27/2025
#7 S4.1.1-3 Symmetries: parity 1/29/2025
#8 S4.2 Parity and angular momentum; Parity conservation? 1/31/2025 Homework due Set 2
Problem Set 3
#9 S4.4 General issues preparing for time reversal 2/3/2025
#10 S4.4 Time reversal and angular momentum 2/5/2025
#11 S4.4 Time reversal and spin 1/2 2/7/2025 Homework due Set 3
Problem Set 4
#12 S6.4 Ingredients to calculate scattering cross sections 2/10/2025
#13 S6.4.4 Radial Schroedinger equation and partial waves 2/12/2025
Bound states from the computer; Numerov for the continuum 2/14/2025 Homework due Set 4
Problem Set 5
#15 S6
Scattering: Wave packets --> follow Weinberg 2/17/2025
#16 S6 Integral form of Schroedinger equation 2/19/2025
#17 S6 Explicit wave packet example; Scattering amplitude and cross section; Optical Theorem 2/21/2025 Homework due Set 5
Problem Set 6
#18 S6 Born approximation; square well; low-energy scattering and bound states; Examples 2/24/2025
#19 S6 & S5.1
Examples; Perturbation theory; examples 2/26/2025
#20 S5.2 Degenerate-state perturbation theory 2/28/2025 Homework due Set 6
Problem Set 7
#21 S5.3
Degenerate-state perturbation theory examples 3/3/2025
#22 Review
#23 Midterm 9:00-11 or 10-12 3/7/2025

Spring break
#24 S5.4 Variational principle 3/17/2025
#25 S5.5 Time-dependent perturbation theory; Golden rule 3/19/2025
#26 S5.7
Two-level systems 3/21/2025 Homework due Set 7
Problem Set 8

#27 S6 CPT; Examples and scattering of identical particles 3/24/2025
#28 S7.1-5
Ch.1 DVN
Identical particles 3/26/2025
#29 S7.7
Ch.2 DVN
Second quantization 3/28/2025 Homework due Set 8
Problem Set 9

#30 Ch.3 DVN Fermions; Independent particle model 3/31/2025
#31 Ch.3 DVN Atoms and nuclei 4/2/2025
#32 Ch.5 DVN Statistical mechanics and identical particles 4/4/2025 Homework due Set 9
Problem Set 10
#33 Ch.5 DVN Bose-Einstein condensation and in traps 4/7/2025
#34 Ch.5 DVN Bose-Einstein condensation in traps; Fermi Gas 4/9/2025
#35 S2.7 Minimal coupling; Landau levels 4/11/2025 Homework due Set 10
Problem Set 11
#36 S2.7
Aharonov-Bohm; Free fields 4/14/2025
#37 S7.8
Quantize Maxwell's equations; Many-bosons 4/16/2025
#38 S7.8 Photons; coupling to charged particles 4/18/2025 Homework due Set 11
Photon emission; Lifetime; absorption cross section 4/21/2025
Photoelectric effect; Planck 4/23/2025
TBA 4/25/2025

Compton 241 5/2/2025

FINAL EXAM Crow 206 from 10:30-12:30

Grading and format of the course


Homework: Students are encouraged to form study groups and discuss the homework with each other, but each student must write his or her own solutions. You may be asked to discuss solution strategies of homework problems during class.

Learning goals

Important University policies and guidelines

Course Evaluation

During the evaluation period you can supply your evaluation of the course at the course evaluation website.